Hello Darlin' Short Story All over 18 Some things may only be seen in the direct rays of sunlight. In the early morning underneath a tree canopy of oaks, poplars, and pine, the intricacy of a magnificent spider's web tenuously balancing between branches revealed itself. Without the direct rays of sunlight, the web would have remained undetected until an innocent prey haphazardly stumbled upon it. Unlike the loud rhythm of the song of the male cicadas which rolled from tree to tree that called first to give life then death. It was time to bury the rabbit. Her dog had chased it down. No Easter bunny for her. She loved her dog no matter how many fluffy bunnies and baby squirrels her dog caught. She looked back up for the spider web but the rays of the sun had moved on to a new spot so she no longer could see the twinkling, silver shimmer. Daydreaming, she stood staring up into the tree canopy with a shovel in her hand and a dead rabbit on the ground at her foot. The breeze tickl...